
Saturday, June 07, 2014

DIY baby blankets and mustache T-shirt design

Remember that week I mentioned earlier where pregnancy hit me hard? Yeah well that week I also decided to attempt another DIY project. Don't ask why, I blame pregnancy nesting needs.

Fortunately, this was a fairly easy project and after my first experience with DIY T-shirt making I felt more confident about my abilities.

Receiving Blankets
I saw some adorable receiving blankets on baby boutiques online. I just didn't want to pay upwards of $10 for one. Also, the problem I have with store bought packs of blankets is that they always have one or two adorable prints that suck you in, but the other three in the pack are boring monochromatic colors. 

So I went into Jo-Ann Fabric armed with digital coupons on my phone determined to find some cute prints. Thank you for not failing me! Just my luck, they were having a 50% sale on flannel infant print fabrics, so I couldn't use my coups on them but the price was too good to pass up. I was a happy camper. Pictured below are fabrics I found all originally priced at $6.99/yard. I brought with me a blanket I had at home (those free ones we all snag from the hospital) to use for measuring, but ended up just getting a yard of each because at $3.50 a pop it was a great deal. Most 4-5 packs of blankets are around $20 so I was still spending less money AND getting all 5 prints I loved.

The process is pretty straight forward and the result comes out looking professional! Like I mentioned in my last DIY post, I'm a big fan of no sew iron on bonding. If you have a sewing machine or are craftier with a needle and thread than me then I'm sure you could achieve the same look that way, but I personally love the ease of using an iron and not pricking myself silly trying to navigate a needle. I was happy to have a memento for my baby that I can say I had some hand in creating. I wish I knew how to crochet or do anything else fancy, but I don't so for now this was a nice little project.

1 yard of flannel blanket fabric (this makes a BIG blanket like he could use it til he's 3-4 years old, if you want a smaller one you can have them cut it to match the size of a regular hospital blanket)
1 spool of ribbon (choose a color that compliments your fabric, I chose white as it went with all my fabrics)
1 pack of fusible bonding web
(both ribbon and bonding web can be found at Michael's or Jo-Ann and remember to use their 40% off reg price item coupon!)

Iron your blanket to get out any wrinkles and smooth out the edges.
Line up the bonding strip along the edge of your blanket then place the ribbon on top
On medium heat, iron slowly moving down to ensure the glue has sealed between the fabric and ribbon.
Tadaa, you're done!

Essentially, all this is doing is adding a border to your blanket so it has a clean finish instead of frayed ends. To make it look more spiffy you can personalize the blanket with iron on letters also available at all crafts stores. I didn't add one yet since we haven't finalized a name! 

Finished Look

Mustache T Shirt Design
I was perusing around Etsy when I saw this adorable shirt and decided to attempt it myself using the iron on method again. Since I'm still learning my results may not be as clean as the Etsy original design, but fortunately I have boys who could careless about perfection. And the best part is I didn't spend $14+shipping per shirt either. ;)

Black fabric for the mustache  (check the scrap fabric section of Jo-Ann/Walmart which usually has them discounted)
Chevron fabric for the sunglasses (got mine on sale at Walmart, you only need 1/4 of a yard maybe)
Plain White T shirt (I bought a 5 pack of undershirts, any plain cotton T shirt works)
White Chalk (I used crayola, from Target. I'm sure dollar stores have this too)
Scissors - make sure they're super sharp fabric cutting scissors. This prevents frayed ends on the fabric
Paper - to draw out your mustache and sunglasses template
Heat n Bond - Got mine at Jo-Ann but Walmart sells it too (always make sure to use coupons!)
Black Fabric paint - $1 Michaels/Walmart, to outline the edge of the mustache, gives it a clean finished look. 

what I used as inspiration

I freehand drew the mustache on template paper and using chalk outlined it onto my black fabric.
Then hold the fabric taut as you cut out the design. 

Repeat the same process with your sunglasses as you did with the mustache, except now using chevron print fabric.

Following the Heat and Bond directions carefully, iron the mustache and glasses onto your white tee and you're done! Do a test run on a scrap fabric piece first. Let it cool down then outline the mustache carefully with black fabric paint. Set to dry overnight. 

I also began another project for my little man, but haven't finished it all yet. Below is a look so far.
I had red polka dot fabric left over from my Disney shirts so I used it to create suspenders. Fold over the fabric and use fusible bonding web on the edges to create a clean lined ribbon. Make sure both suspenders are the same length/width before you heat bond them onto the onsie.

draw a bow template then outline onto black fabric and cut out. 

Glue or sew on 3 buttons below the ironed on bow to finish out the look. (I've changed my mind since and plan to use a glue gun to create a bow tie similar to my Disney shirts. It's a nice 3D effect rather than a flat fabric on fabric look. I'll post updated pictures once I'm done)

I did all 3 of these projects in ONE day. It didn't take more than a few hours, start during your child's nap time and then finish it once they're in bed. That's the best way to get some real concentration. Hope my directions aren't too complicated, they're all very basic concepts and with a little trial and error I know anyone can do it! Good luck and do comment to let me know if you attempt your own DIY shirts :)

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